Thursday, October 12, 2023

Bibi WAKE-UP! Trading Hamas for PA is NOT peace!

 I’m listening to the news and my heart is sinking.  I can see the handwriting on the wall.  All these atrocities, horrible, horrible acts of barbarism committed against my people simply because they are Jewish.  These are now being ascribed to Hamas & Hamas alone.  Bibi is saying “We can see now that Hamas is ISIS”.  All this rhetoric is setting us up to think that we can clear Hamas out of Gaza and then what?  Hand it over to Abbas and the PA? 

But we are NOT paying attention to our history!  The attack in Itamar in 2011, when the Fogel family was brutally murdered in their beds, was not an act of Hamas.  NO, it was members of The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.  PFLP is a secular Palestinian Marxist–Leninist and revolutionary socialist organization founded in 1967. It has consistently been the second-largest of the groups forming the Palestine Liberation Organization, they are based in “the West Bank”, which is actually Judea and Samaria.

Our beloved Ari Fuld was murdered by a PA activist and the PA included his family in the Pay for Slay program for the murder!  Are our leaders trying to tell us there is no terror threat in Judea and Samaria?  We’re supposed to ignore the ramming attacks at bus stops, the drive-by machine gun fire, the stabbing attacks?  Are we supposed to pretend the PA Charter no longer calls for the destruction of Israel?  Don’t be fooled, we are being played.  They are setting us up for more decades of war.  Bibi, why do you continue to betray us?

There is only one answer!  Make all the land Israel!  Tell all the Muslims/Arabs who have no history in any terrorist organization, that they are welcome to become citizens;  BUT, if they break the law they will be subject to the  punishments of the law, like every other citizen of Israel.  Murder should carry the death penalty!  Any others who wish to leave, we are happy to allow them do so, but an alert  should be placed on their passports, designating re-entry to Israel only under strict scrutiny.

Any residents that have had interaction with terror organizations should be immediately deported.  Put a ban on their re-entry into Israel.  Here is a link to Wikipedia’s page on recognized terrorist organizations.

I can hear the reply, “Oh how will we protect our borders, where will we send all those people?”  Bibi, your FIRST obligation is to the citizens of this land!  First you must protect US!  To allow the enemy to live in our country is madness & very irresponsible of you!

We are surrounded by large countries with predominantly Muslim populations, and we have been able to establish normalized relations with several of those countries. Tell them they must take back those people who were born in their countries or whose ancestors were born in their countries AND all their families. Tell them it is a condition of our continued open trade and good will.   Tell them they have to assist us in policing the borders between their county and ours.  Of course, they will not be happy, they don’t want terrorists inside their borders.  But these are THEIR people, not ours, it should be THEIR problem, not ours!

We are the ONLY Jewish nation on the planet.  Yes, we need to look at the critical logistics of our situation.  To say that we have to share this tiny piece of land with our enemies is some kind of madness the world has taken to be the truth.  But I refuse to drink that Kool-Aid, and I am saddened that those who lead this tiny Jewish nation think they must.

Bibi WAKE-UP!  Trading Hamas for PA is NOT peace!

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